Parts And Consumables

RO Membranes
We carry various sizes, styles, and brands of 8” and 4” diameter reverse osmosis membranes for industrial and commercial use.

Media Replacement and Rebeds
We carry water filtration media for different types of water treatment applications, such as granular activated carbon, ion exchange resins, multimedia filter beds, calcite, and more.

Filters and Filter Housings
Whether it’s a rough filter or a sub-micron final filter, we can help you find the right filter and filter housing for your industrial water filtration needs.

Pumps and Motors
High pressure RO feedwater pumps, CIP pumps, and RO pretreatment chemical dosing pumps are critical components of an RO system. Pumps such as Feed Pumps, High-Pressure Pumps, CIP Pumps, and Dosing Pumps play critical roles in achieving optimal performance from an RO system